Direct care workers in the State of Michigan cannot work remotely and they face significant exposure to COVID – 19 during their workday. They typically have the least vacation and sick time of anyone in the essential workforce.
As you look at the resources the State is directing to the current public health crisis, please consider the importance and needs of our direct care workers. They provide crucial supports on a daily basis to Michigan citizens receiving services via the state’s behavioral health care system. If this workforce becomes more unstable, much of the mental health system will quickly unravel.
We have asked for years that you prioritize the earnings of this workforce. They deserve the respect of a wage on which they can survive.
Please use a supplemental appropriation to help stabilize this workforce and provide for at least a $1.00/hour wage increase.
We understand that tax revenue is going to quickly become unstable – but this workforce already is.
Issued: March 23, 2020