Apply to join the Michigan Medicaid Beneficiary Advisory Council.
Do you want to share your insights and experiences with Medicaid?
The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) is inviting current and former Medicaid members—along with caregivers, guardians, and family members of Medicaid recipients—to apply to join the new statewide Beneficiary Advisory Council (BAC).
BAC members will meet quarterly to share their Medicaid experiences in a safe space, identify barriers to care, address existing social determinants of health, and relay critical information to MDHHS leadership to influence future policies.
BAC members will be eligible to receive stipends, child care, and respite for
caregivers for participating.
Your input matters. Help MDHHS improve Medicaid services. Learn more about the BAC or apply today by visiting the BAC website.
The opportunity to apply closes April 14. If you have any questions or need more
information, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at MDHHS-BAC@michigan.gov.